Asthma review (children)


How to answer the childhood asthma control test

Let your child answer the first 4 questions. If your child needs help reading or understanding the question, you may help, but let your child choose the answer.

Complete the remaining 3 questions on your own without letting your child’s response influence your answers. There are no right or wrong answers.

Asthma control test

To be answered by the child

To be completed by the parent, guardian or carer

Additional questions

Is your child exposed to second hand smoke at home? *
Does your child have a personalised asthma action plan? *
Since your child’s last review, have they needed to see a doctor as an emergency or attend the A&E department of a hospital as a result of their asthma? *
Since your child’s last review, have they needed a course of steroid tablets to get their asthma under control? *


Please select the types of inhalers that the child uses:

Inhalers can help:

  • relieve symptoms when they occur (reliever inhalers)
  • stop symptoms developing (preventer inhalers)

Some people need an inhaler that does both (combination inhalers).

Watch a short video from Asthma UK to learn how to use your inhaler properly (opens in new tab)

Please let us know that you have watched and understood the video(s):
Terms and conditions